Training disparities and professional differences in cardiac surgery across Latin-America

Tags Residents

The LACES residents committee is leading a project to analyze the disparities in training as well as the professional differences in the cardiac surgical field across Latin-America. One of the final goals of this project is to create a future common Latin-American Cardiac Surgery Board Exam to certify cardiac surgical knowledge and skills throughout Latin-America with the corresponding recognition and acknowledgment for those surgeons who approve the exam. 

The first step that we are taking now is recognizing and analyzing the differences in training and professional practice in Latin-American countries. For this purpose we designed a brief survey (10 minutes) to evaluate the disparities and differences in our training and clinical practice as cardiac surgeons across Latin-America.

You support to this project and your answers to the survey are of utmost importance for the development of the cardiac surgery field in our latin-american reality!

To access the survey please click on the link below:

We are raffling 4 free entrances to the 101st AATS Annual Meeting on April 30th - May 2nd. To participate of the raffle, please send a screenshot of the finished survey to


We appreciate your support and commitment!!