LACES – CytoSorbents: 1st Joint Educational Online Symposium
August 25, 2021

LACES – CytoSorbents: 1st Joint Educational Online Symposium
Chairs: Dr. Victor Dayan, Montevideo/Uruguay and Dr. Mateo Marin-Cuartas, Leipzig/Germany;
LACES Recording from Saturday, 17th July | 2021
Blood purification therapies in hyperinflammatory states
Dr. Ernesto López Almaraz Staff Physician,
Nephrology at the ABC Medical Center, Mexico-City
Hemoadsorption during cardiac surgery – Clinical outcomes in mitral valve endocarditis and aortic surgery patients
Prof. Daniel Wendt
Managing Senior Physician at the West German Heart Center, Essen/Germany
Use of CytoSorb after cardiac surgery – In whom, when and how
Prof. Federico Pappalardo
Attending Intensivist at the ISMETT UPMC Hospital, Palermo/Italy